Ask Nora!

I’m listening… But not in a creepy way.

I’m listening… But not in a creepy way.

Do you have a topic or question you’d like me to write about in a future blog post? As much as I like answering my own questions, this is more fun if readers get involved :)

If you have an idea, you can use the form below to submit a topic suggestion. You can do so anonymously, but if you consent to be thanked on the site for your contribution, please specify how you would like your name to be listed. Please be aware that not every suggestion results in a post, and your topic/question may have previously been submitted by another visitor. Shorter questions may be answered on my FAQ page if appropriate.

Note: this form is just for suggesting blog post topics or FAQ questions. If you’re interested in counseling, please use the regular contact form instead. If you’re experiencing a mental health crisis, please stop using web forms and call 911!

Nora Mickowski