Therapy is expensive! But you have options... [image description: a human hand holds three burning hundred-dollar bills in the air]
I am not currently accepting new insurance clients, though I may return to accepting select insurance plans in the near future. If/when I do accept insurance again, those plans are most likely to include PPOs from Aetna, BCBS of Massachusetts, BCBS of New Jersey, and BCBS of Illinois. I am very unlikely to accept BCBS of Texas or Cigna in the near future.
If you’d like to be notified if/when I’m able to accept your insurance plan, just join the wait list (with no obligation) and remember to include your insurance type on the form.
If you want to work with me, but are unable to afford my current fees, you can apply for a reduced fee slot (wherein your fee is determined by your income and family size). I maintain a limited number of reduced-fee slots that are always filled quickly, but I do have a wait list for clients needing a reduced fee. Please be aware that due to the limited number of slots and high demand, this wait list may move very slowly.